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We first had to start our design in Autodesk Revit, where we built walls and floors and put in our windows and doors. In my case, because I redesigned my basement, I also had to put in a staircase and adjust the height and width of it. We added in the different components of a wall, including plywood, softwood and siding, and put in textures on the floor. 


However, before we could even begin to make our room in Revit, we needed to measure the demensions of our room and take pictures. We were instructed to measure all walls, door frames, window height, width and distance from the ground and closet spaces. Because my basement is so big, I ended up with a long list of measurements, but it was very helpful when I created the room on the computer.  

After all of our walls, doors, windows and floors were in, we had the ability ot add in furniture. Using a website called "Revvit City," we found hundreds of couches and tables and beds. I even found a floating chair! We were able to decorate the room in anyway we wanted, and many of us took advantage of that.


After all was placed and positioned correctly, and we were sure we had enough lights, we transfered our project over to 3D Studio, where color and texture would come alive... 

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